CALC Consensus Statement on Asthma Management in Schools

CALC is committed to ensuring that children with asthma have safe places in which to live, play, and learn, but unfortunately, many schools nationwide lack the funding and resources necessary to keep children with asthma safe in school and to ensure a healthy environment conducive to learning.

We have compiled the following priorities aimed at ensuring asthma safety in schools:

· All public elementary and secondary schools should employ a full-time school nurse

· All schools should have protocols to implement students’ asthma action plans and to support access to asthma control medications

· School buildings should be healthy environments that mitigate exposure to asthma triggers

· School grounds should be healthy environments that limit exposure to pollution

· Schools should consider integrating education on asthma and harms of tobacco into curriculums

· School-based health centers should be expanded to serve more children

· As Medicaid and CHIP become increasingly important sources of funding for school-based health services, these programs should be strengthened

· More and better data should be collected, shared, and made publicly available

Our statement includes specifics for each priority. For any questions on these priorities, please contact Jane Sheehan (

Link to Consensus Statement on Asthma Management in Schools