Asthma News This Week – June 14, 2019
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In the NEWS
Thompson, Alexandra. Fathers who smoke around their pregnant partners 'increase their unborn babies’ risk of asthma by a THIRD'. Daily Mail. June 13, 2019.
Hein, Ingrid. Immune Booster Celebrated for Asthma Prevention. Medscape. June 13, 2019.
Reddy, Sumanthi. New Thinking on Longstanding Asthma Treatments. The Wall Street Journal. June 10, 2019.
Elliott, Jennifer. It’s time to mandate asthma screenings for school children | Opinion. PennLive. June 7, 2019.
Coxworth, Ben. App diagnoses children's illnesses, based on their cough. New Atlas. June 6, 2019.
Farr, Christina and Steve Kovach. Apple bought a start-up that was working on monitoring asthma in children. CNBC. May 24, 2019.
Baskin, Morgan. Doctors Blame D.C.'s High Asthma Rates in Part on Poor Housing. Washington City Paper. May 22, 2019.
Hein, Ingrid. Childhood Asthma May Begin Before Birth. Medscape. May 22, 2019.
Rapaport, Lisa. Improved air quality tied to fewer new childhood asthma cases. Reuters. May 21, 2019.
Health Promoting Financial Incentives May Help Mothers Quit Smoking
Asthma Severity is Associated with Less Physical Activity Among Children
Paid Family Leave May Help Reduce Asthma Prevalence
Mexican Immigrant Children More Often Undiagnosed, Receive Different Care
Home-Based Asthma Interventions Shown To Be Effective Across the Literature
Children with Asthma More Likely to Have BD-Resistant Airflow Limitations than Children with Other Pulmonary Conditions
Limited English Not Associated with Worse Asthma Outcomes in One Hospital
Accelerated Epigenetic Aging Associated with Current Childhood Asthma
Group Visits Are Viable Means to Improve Asthma Management
DNA Methylation May Provide Asthma Biomarkers
Asthma Burden Attributable to Traffic-Related Air Pollution Drops to 18-36%
Bronchodilator Response to SABAs Differs by Population as well as Genetics
Exposure to Alternaria Mold in Schools May Trigger Asthma Symptoms
Asthma Clusters in More Non-White and Poorer Areas of St. Louis, MO
Inconclusive Study of Cannabis Smoke in Home’s Effect on Asthma, etc. Health
Decreases in Ambient Nitrogen Dioxide, PM2.5 Lead to Lower Asthma Incidence
PROMIS Model Reliably Predicts General Health Among Children with Asthma
Asthma Phenotypes Vary According to Underlying Pathophysiology
Model Estimates that Reducing OCS dose 5 mg/day Increases PBE Count 41%
School-Based Program Promoting Coping Skills Improves Asthma-Related Stress