Asthma News This Week – May 20, 2019
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In the NEWS
Little, Corris. Breathe Easy: InterContinental San Francisco Partners with Molekule to Improve Air Quality. Hotel Business. May 20, 2019.
Wyckoff, Alyson Sulaski. Seafood and children’s health: Report summarizes research. AAP News. May 20, 2019.
Demobosky, April. Gold Standard Asthma Treatment May Not Be Effective for Most Patients With Mild Asthma.KQED. May 19, 2019.
Roos, L.L., Wall-Wieler, E., and J. B. Lee. Poverty and Early Childhood Outcomes. Pediatrics. May 2019.
Adams, Stephen and Laurence Laluyaux. Parents demand that prominent warnings are added to a powerful asthma drug that can trigger suicidal thoughts and night terrors in children. Daily Mail. May 19, 2019.
Baraniuk, Chris. How going hungry affects children for their whole lives. Independent. May 18, 2019.
Rubiello, Jennifer and Lynn Ringenberg. Toll roads bill on Gov. DeSantis’ desk puts kids’ health at risk | Opinion.Tallahassee Democrat. May 15, 2019.
Barnett, Bruce A. Asthma affects youngest patients the hardest. Toledo Blade. May 12, 2019.
Clopton, Jennifer. Frustration Mounts as EpiPen Shortage Hits 1 Year. WebMD Health News. May 10, 2019.
Rothbard, Gary. Minority Children Have More Prevalent Asthma and Utilize Emergency Care More Than White Children. Pulmonology Advisor. May 9, 2019.
New Children's Hospital program helps give kids with asthma healthier homes. ABC 6 Action News. May 9, 2019.
Altavena, Lily. Arizona schools can stock inhalers. Here's why that matters. AZ Central. May 7, 2019.
Asthma sufferers need to be ultra-wary of air pollution. UN Environment. May 7, 2019.
Childrens’ Self-Report of Asthma Symptoms May Improve Records
Asthma Self-Monitor App Improves Pediatric Outcomes
CHWs May Close Gaps Between Home-, School-, and Primary Asthma Care
Childhood Atopic Dermatitis and Asthma May Affect Emotions and Behavior
Variation in Epinephrine Auto-injector Needle Length May Affect Safety