2016 Pediatric Asthma Education Conference
/Pediatric Asthma Education Conference
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Lipscomb University Ezell Center
The annual Pediatric Asthma Education Conference is designed for anyone who works with asthmatic children. It's a continuing education opportunity for providers, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, social workers, case managers, and students.
The online Conference Handbook includes the agenda, speakers, maps and more.
Download the latest conference agenda.
The conference fee includes continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments. Presentation handouts will be posted online prior to conference day for download but, if you prefer, a binder with hard copies may be purchased separately during the registration process. (See registration for details). Onsite registration opens at 8 a.m.
NOTE: The conference is in a different location on the Lipscomb campus than previous years. Use this link to see the campus map to find the Ezell building and free parking.